Ghost Fortnite settings

Ghost Aydan Fortnite Settings

Ghost Aydan Settings
Region: NA East
Real Name: Aydan Condrad
From: Ohio


Ghost Aydan’s Fortnite settings are a little bit different from a lot of professional Fortnite players since he plays on controller. Playing Fortnite on controller might be easier in the beginning, but professional players generally prefer keyboard and mouse due to the ability to move efficiently and track players with high levels of accuracy. Ghost Aydan is one of the most successful and notable controller players in the community due to his skill and ability to play well with a controller. Because of this, many people wonder what Ghost Aydan Fortnite settings are. Other Fortnite players for Ghost include Ghost Ghoul and Ghost Dmo.

Fortnite controller settings

Ghost Aydan Fortnite Controller Settings

TrapLeft on Pad
Building EditCircle
Change Material Left on Pad
Sprint by DefaultOn
InventoryD-Pad Up
MapTouch Pad

Ghost Aydan Fortnite Settings

Edit Sensitivity1.900
Sensitivity X0.700
Sensitivity Y0..680
Building Sens1.654
Deadzone0.12 / 0.10
Scope Sensitivity0.340

Ghost Aydan Twitch

Ghost Aydan’s Twitch is He streams on Twitch in the late afternoon when he and his team are playing professional scrims. A lot of Fortnite players have Twitch accounts so they can show off their skills and grow a fanbase.

Ghost Aydan Age

Ghost Aydan is currently 19 years old and has been gaming for as long as he can remember. He is one of the few very talented controller players in the Fortnite professional community.

Ghost Aydan Instagram

Ghost Aydan’s Instagram is He posts a lot of highlights from his gameplay as well as tournament results and IRL pictures. Make sure to give him a follow if you want to keep up with him.

Ghost Aydan Twitter

Ghost Aydan’s Twitter is He tweets things relevant to the Fortnite community as well as other funny things so definitely follow him if you want to see for yourself.

1 comment

  1. Ghost Dmo Fortnite Settings - EGO

    […] in games like Fortnite, Rocket League and Gears of War. Other Fortnite players for Ghost include Ghost Aydan and Ghost Ghoul. He has been making a name for himself in the Fortnite community recently by […]

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