100 Thieves SlasheR Settings: Black Ops 4

Birthday: Septemer 2, 1994
Real Name:
Austin Liddicoat


100 Thieves SlasheR is a professional Call of Duty player for the team 100 Thieves, an organization that competes in games like League of Legends and Fortnite. SlasheR started playing video games at the age of 4 when he got a Nintendo 64. Ever since then he hasn’t been able to stay away from the controller. 100 Thieves SlasheR’s settings in Black Ops 4 are some of my favorite.

100 Thieves SlasheR Settings in Black Ops 4

Look InversionStandard
Look Sensitivity Horizontal5
Look Sensitivity Vertical5
ADS Sensitivity1x
High Zoom Sensitivity1x
Target AssistOn
Aim AssistOn
Controller VibrationOff
Sprint Cancels ReloadOn
Auto MantleOff
Auto SprintOff
Stick LayoutDefault
Button LayoutTactical

100 Thieves SlasheR Graphics Settings in Black Ops 4

Colorblind ModeNone
Player Name IndicatorFull Name
Splitscreen OrientationHorizontal

100 Thieves SlasheR Audio Settings in Black Ops 4

Master Volume10
Audio System TestPlay Test
Audio PresetsTreyarch Mix
Voice Volume10
Music Volume10
Team Chat Voice Volume10
SFX Volume10
Cinematics Volume10
Multiplayer DialogOn
Controller SoundOn